Denmark in the news
Here's what the world's newspapers, magazines, news programmes and websites are saying about Denmark. If you're looking for ideas and talking points about the most noteworthy developments, we've got them here.
Our top stories
Discover our most popular media stories, news items and videos arranged by country, below.
Photo:© Mette Johnsen
New York Times: Copenhagen Tries Rewards for Good Tourist Behavior
AFAR: 10 Best things to see, do and eat in Copenhagen
Matador Network: Fairy Tales, Castles, and Viking Lore: Inside the Island of Fyn, Denmark
USA TODAY: Road trip to explore Denmark's beaches and charming Danish Riviera towns
Forbes: This Danish Port Town Is A Must-Visit On Your Next European Cruise
Photo:Mette Johnsen
Photo:© Mette Johnsen
Brigitte: Eine Stadt und viel Meer
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Ostseeinsel Bornholm: Ohne Kunsthandwerk gibt es keine Kulinarik
Die Zeit: Dinopark in Lolland, Jurassic Denmark
Photo:Daniel Villadsen
The Netherlands
Photo:Martin Heiberg - Copenhagen Media Center
KK: Mat, mote og kunst. Derfor bør du dra til København under den danske moteuken. ( Bugatti: Solgte snusfabrikk - brukte pengene på bil ( Reportasje fra Tisvilde, som er er blitt et av Danmarks mest populære feriesteder. (+) | DN Danmark gir gratis vin til turister på én betingelse (
Photo:Niclas Jessen
Aftonbladet: Köpenhamn gör tvärtom – belönar turister
Vagabond: Ny dansk vandringsled på Fyn går i musikens spår
Expressen/Allt Om resor: Weekend i Köpenhamn – 10 bästa budgettipsen
Photo:Kaj Hotel