New ‘SAFE TO VISIT’ labelling scheme for Danish hotels and restaurants
The Danish trade association and employers’ organisation for the restaurant, hotel and tourism industry, HORESTA, has launched new COVID19 guidelines and a labelling scheme for their members.
The scheme is called SAFE TO VISIT and it is launched in relation to the reopening of the Danish hospitality industry in order to ensure safety for both guests and employees.
HORESTA members in the hospitality industry follow the guidelines and can thereby use the SAFE TO VISIT label on their front door to let guests know about their security measures.
The HORESTA guidelines are based on recommendations from the Danish authorities. In summary, the guidelines that the companies should live up to are:
- Safe distance: Both indoor and outdoor, the business has been arranged to ensure the recommended distance between the guests.
- Clear information about good behaviour: we recommend guests to keep distance and we have ensured that they have easy access to washing and sanitising their hands.
- Thorough cleaning, washing and sanitising: We clean thoroughly and sanitise the points of contact touched by many guests.
- Securing high hygiene standards: Our employees are informed about the authorities’ recommendations and guidelines. They ensure distancing and are focused on hygiene.
- Procedures under control: We have analysed our procedures to minimise the time with close contact between guests, employees and suppliers. We have created a plan for how to handle situations with suspicion of or confirmed COVID19 infection among guests or employees.

HORESTA is also among the initiators of the international environmental certification for the hospitality industry, Green Key. Last year, they launched the Green Restaurant certification for sustainability-focused restaurants.