Coronavirus information for Denmark
The current situation with the spread of the coronavirus calls for responsible behaviour from everyone. The Danish authorities have taken a number of political actions focused on limiting the spread through measures like limiting larger gatherings and close contact.
(Updated Monday 08 June 2020)
Denmark is currently undergoing a slow, gradual reopening while monitoring the development in the spreading of the coronavirus. As of 8 June 2020, Denmark has entered the so-called third phase of the reopening. According to the authorities, it is crucial to maintain high hygiene standards and keep a one metre distance to continuously minimise the spreading of the virus.
The Danish borders remain closed for most travellers
From Saturday 14 March, Denmark has closed its borders to foreign visitors in an attempt to control the spread of the coronavirus. Danish citizens will be allowed to re-enter the country but visitors from other countries will be refused entry unless they are travelling with a specifically worthy purpose. From 15 June, it will again be possible for tourists from Norway, Germany and Iceland to visit Denmark. More info on is available here.
The Danish police has confirmed that reporters and media teams travelling to Denmark from abroad to report on coronavirus will be considered having a worthy purpose and are therefore allowed to enter and work without having to stay in quarantine. News reporters travelling to Denmark are advised to bring valid press-ID and documentation from your editor or media regarding their assignment in Denmark. Foreigners with clear symptoms such as dry cough and fever cannot enter Denmark regardless of the intended purpose.
Events with up to 50 people allowed from 8 June
As of 8 June, events with up to 50 participants are again allowed. Larger events will continue to be banned for now. The ban does not hinder that 50 or more people can be in a supermarket, in an airport or in a train station at the same time or that political meetings and demonstration can take place.
The allowed number of participants is expected to be raised 8 July to 100.
Shopping malls and department stores reopen
On 11 May shops, shopping malls, department stores and roofed arcades reopen. There is a limit to the number of guests allowed in each shop depending on the size. Shops must ensure that there is room for distancing among the customers in walkway areas and that hand sanitiser is available.
Outdoor sports facilities are also allowed to reopen from 11 May.
Restaurants and cafés reopen from 18 May with focus on distance between guests
18 March restaurants and cafés were closed down. From 18 May, these are allowed to reopen with appropriate distancing measures. Bars and nightclubs remain closed until further notice.
Some cultural attractions can reopen from
20 May it was announced that theatres, galleries, museums, cinemas, aquariums, outdoor amusements parks, zoos and botanical gardens can reopen. Many large attractions such as Tivoli Gardens reopen on 8 June.
The authorities’ recommendations for how to protect yourself and others:
- Wash your hands frequently or use an alcohol-based hand rub
- Cough or sneeze into your sleeve
- Limit physical contact
- Be diligent with cleaning
- If you are older or have a chronic illness, avoid crowds of people and advise others to be aware of your condition

For more information
You can find more information from the Danish Health Authorities here.
You can find more information on the current bans from the Danish Police here.
VisitDenmark has put all marketing and press activities on hold until further notice. For more press information, please contact your local press manager. Contact information is available here.