Sønderbro Church
© Sønderbro kirke  Photo: VisitHorsens

Sønderbro Church

Sønderbro church is one of the most recently built churches in Horsens. It was designed by the architect Paul Nieport, and built during 1969-1971.

Sønderbro church represents modern church architecture, utilizing the resilience of reinforced concrete and the playful nature of indirect light and luminous variations on broken surfaces. The church has 4 church bells, which have all been manufactured in the Netherlands.  

The church’s sloping floors, which have been inspired by cinematic traditions, provide a better view for the church goers, and make the surroundings seem more intimate.

 For more information, see: sogn.dk/soenderbro/

Town church

Parish church

Longitude: 9.8400785999

Latitude: 55.858681

Last updated by

Destination Kystlandet