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The Rødding- apple association in Salling

The club's biggest event this year is the Apple Festival, which takes place on the opposite weekend of the 41st week. A festival of lectures and expert assistance that attracts apple lovers from across the country and abroad.

The association started as a project in 2007, which i.a. should create a gathering point for the citizens based on a community of values ​​about fruit growing and contribute locally as well as internationally with increased knowledge about the production, planting and utilization of fruit trees.  Since the beginning, a great deal of knowledge about apples has been collected, several thousand apple trees have been planted throughout the area, a national and international apple specialist network has been established and cooperation has been entered into with the EU on e.g. gene conservation. The association is organized with a board with a representative from the groups that work with Pometet.

Big apple collection

Pometet, Nørremarken 4A, 7860 Spøttrup, contains a large apple collection/gene bank of old Danish apple varieties and was set up in collaboration with Pometet in Copenhagen, and it is looked after exclusively by volunteers who work with the entire process from grafting, planting, maintenance, harvesting and utilization of the fruit. In addition, the association has plum, chestnut, pear and nut collections. The area is open to visitors all year round and has a shelter, fire pit and a toilet, which you are welcome to use. Every Monday morning there are volunteers on site who would like to tell and show around.

Courses are held in e.g. pruning, grafting and cider workshops and every autumn there are several must days where you can bring your own apples and have them musted and pasteurised and a cider competition is held in the autumn with participants from all over the country.

Education is offered to school children in collaboration with a beekeeper, and the association is represented at the annual science festival in skive.

The association also has equipment for musting, which is frequently rented out to private individuals.

Apple Festival

The association's biggest event is this year's Apple Festival, which is held last weekend in week 41. A festival that offers lectures and expert assistance on, among other things, cultivation of apples, variety determination, cider production, etc., and which gradually attracts apple enthusiasts from all over the country and abroad, and is called by professionals: "Denmark's largest professional apple festival." Several tons of apples are pressed during this weekend and the festival also offers activities and tasting experiences for all ages.