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Oyster Safari with Jyllandsakvariet - Local Stories

Taste the Nordic delicacy on a unique oyster safari in the Limfjord with Jyllandsakvariet.

Oyster Safari with Jyllandsakvarium - Local stories

Dressed in waders we go oyster searching in the delicate larder of the Limfjord. Hear about the special life of the Limfjord’s oyster and where the best locations are around the western part of the Limfjord.
Of course, you learn how to catch them, how they are opened, and how you can prepare them. After the search for oysters we taste them uncooked, cook som of them on the barbecue, and drink a glass of sparkling wine.

The safaris can be booked directly at www.jyllandsakvariet.dk/en/events/eventprogram