Nordby [Nårbøy]
In 1990, Nordby was named the best-kept village of Denmark.
It was awarded this honour because of the numerous original half-timbered farmhouses that have been perfectly maintained even though the farms themselves moved to the fields after the repeal of serfdom.
The winding road infrastructure that circles around the large village pond in the middle of the town also breathes an air of authenticity adding to its charm.
Close to the village pond you will see the bell tower where farmers used to gather for town meetings. Nowadays, the bells still toll at sunrise and sunset because the church bells are too far for the town’s residents to hear.
Facing the bell tower you can see the town’s old maypole, and the building behind it containing a post office, a library and a parish exhibition.
When you walk around, you cannot help but notice the old town wells made out of beautiful red timber and their clever lifting wheels. Take a look into one of them and get a glimpse of the impressive stone walls.