Koresand - sandbank at Mandø
Koresand is a large sandbank in the Wadden Sea, the sandbank located southwest of Mandø is about 30 km2 large.
Koresand is an approx. 30 km2 large sandbank in the Wadden Sea southwest of Mandø, which extends south to Juvre Dyb at Rømø. Koresand is a contemporary example of a high sand in growth towards a possible development of a barrier dune. The sandbank is flooded by storm, which prevents the growth of plants and the formation of permanent dunes.
Koresand is an island, at low tide. You can be on the sandbank for about three hours before the high tide cuts off Koresand from Mandø and Mandø from the mainland. On the southern part down towards Juvre Dyb at Rømø, there is a seal reserve, where you can observe the seals from a distance with binoculars.