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Infopoint - Pinnebergheim

In Haderslev Municipality, you can visit 15 different infopoints during your vacation. All infopoints have a stand with brochures and a screen to search for experiences, restaurants, accommodations, and activities. The infopoints are available during the opening hours of each location.

Pinnebergheim is located at Hejsager Strand and serves as both an accommodation and a café.

Here are all the infopoints in Haderslev Municipality:

Staffed infopoints:

  • Haderslev Byferie, Erlevvej 34, 6100 Haderslev
  • Haderslev Tourist Bureau, Apotekergade 11, 6100 Haderslev
  • Gammelbro Camping, Gammelbrovej 70, 6100
  • Haderslev Sandersvig Camping & Tropeland, Espagervej 15, 6100 Haderslev
  • Deutsche Bücherei Hadersleben, Aastrupvej 9, 6100 Haderslev
  • Sønderballe Strand Camping, Diernæsvej 218, 6100 Haderslev
  • Pinnebergheim, Hejsager Strandby 59, 6100 Haderslev

Unstaffed infopoints:

  • Tørning Mølle (historical centre), Tørningvej 6, 6500 Vojens 
  • Aarøsund Ferry, Aarøsund Havn 1, 6100 Haderslev
  • Årø Winery, Aarø 210, 6100 Haderslev 
  • Bispen Cultural Centre, Bispebroen 3, 6100 Haderslev. 
  • Gram Leisure Centre, Stadionvej 15, 6510 Gram 
  • Gram Castle, Slotsvej 54, 6510 Gram
  • Vojens Hallerne, Stadion Parken 6, 6500 Vojens