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Experience in the dark, Vadehavskysten

Inspiration for experiences in the dark with the project "Experience in the dark"

The project "Experience in the dark" is to create a concept that includes the development of special experiences in the dark. Here you can have a coherent framework for dark experiences.

In March 2024, Mandø was Dark Sky certified and "Experience in the dark" will, as a natural extension of that, help create a coherent framework for dark experiences.

Season extension, protection of nature and unique natural phenomena are some of the potentials for the development of dark experiences that we want to make part of the Wadden Sea, and one of the ways in which we want to differentiate ourselves.

In October 2024 (week 42), "Experience in the dark" will culminate with unique dark experiences throughout the week.

The planning of autumn's dark activities is already underway and you can read more about "Experience in the dark" when we get closer.