Bondemosen (2,6 km)
A green oasis with grazing cows. Go for a walk or a bike ride. The area around Bondemosen or on one of the bike routes offers a number of cosy experiences.
One of the best places for outdoor activities in Ullerslev is Bondemosen, a green area in the heart of the town. The local authority owns part of the area. Bondemosen’s Cattle Grazing Guild has cattle grazing in the area in the summer. As part of the nature management, the grazing cattle keep the meadow an open and well-trimmed habitat for the benefit of the characteristic wildlife and vegetation.
In the spring, you may be lucky enough to see the broad-leaved helleborine and western marsh orchid on the moor.
Parking is possible in several places around Bondemosen, most centrally by the old town hall and the Ullerslev Centre.