Holbæk Art: Murals in Holbæk
Holbæk Art is the city of Holbæk's unique collection of murals.
Holbæk Art is a city full of murals.
Art can be lively, vibrant, scandalous, surprising and adventurous - but it is also often hidden away in museums, where it can only be experienced by those who pay the entrance fee.
That's not what it's like in Holbæk. Thanks to the organisation "Holbæk Art" art has been taken into the streets, where it can be experienced by everyone.
Here the walls of the buildings act as canvasses for artists' beautiful and occasionally surprising masterpieces. In total 27 murals decorate the walls of the city and more are continuously added. Each mural has been created by a different artist, including both international and national artists.
Thus, Holbæk Art has transformed Holbæk into an open art museum.
Holbæk Art aims to add new murals to the collection every two years.
Follow this map to experience the murals.