Eat your way through Denmark
Danish Food 101
Denmark’s love affair with food goes back a long way. Get to know the mouth-watering classics right here.
Recommendations you ought to try
We love to share our tips and recommendations about where to eat or go for a drink. But do you trust us enough to try it yourself? That is the question...
World-Class Cuisine in a Bite-Sized Country
Denmark has led the way in Scandinavian gourmet cuisine for over a decade so what better place than here to dive in face-first and experience delicious and elegant New Nordic cuisine?
Do you eat with your eyes first?
Good! So do we. And that's why flicking through people's mouth-watering food pics from Denmark is one of our favourite ways to pass the time between meals. Take a look at our Instagram here. (Your shot might be included right there - once you've been of course.)
Eating on a budget
It's not all fine dining in Denmark! Danes do the classic hot dog with the same pride and gusto as molecular gastronomy. See how we put our own twist on street food.